
[ Vol. 9 No. 2 ] (May - August 2008 )
A proposal of society character of rensa for the future

Teruyoshi Amagai, MD, PhD
Ibaraki Children’s Hospital, 311-4145, Japan


PENSA have been given for last 11 years with great efforts of Asian Giants in all nutritional professions. It might be my role to express my small perspective or vision for PENSA future.

PENSA stands on Asian background and much differs from American and European Society of PEN in my personal impression. Asian countries, included in PENSA, have different milieu in geographical, cultural, social, and historical aspects.

Hereby, I would propose my personal opinion on an aim and strategy to realize it.

Aim of PENSA: To understand each other through nutritional support (NS) and promote a quality of NS in each setting in Asian region.

Strategies to realize this aim: I could point out several ways for it.

  1. Establish NS Guideline: To put it into reality, understanding each other via intimate discussion and debates is necessary. Guideline revision is under construction in Japanese Society (JSPEN) and could be discussed whether it is proper in all the situations in Asian countries.
  2. Provide Educational Programs: Education is essential tool to put health care quality higher and deeper at any time. To utilize common educational program, such as Total Nutrition Therapy (TNT) program which has been already spread in several countries even in Asian region, is one way and we could establish more if necessary.
  3. Official Journal Circulation: Official journal for PENSA is not yet established so far. Official journal could be used as tool to understand update NS and to exchange our updated clinical practice. A style of official journal is proper as e-journal circulated through IT network than ordinary as ordinary book-style to spare paper and time.
  4. IT Conference: Annual meeting is not always enough to exchange and promote educational program, or regularly held editorial committee conference. IT conference could cover these deficits and promote PENSA people understanding each other more.
  5. Accidental and Incidental Reports: These reports could help to happen these accidents in all hospitals in Asia. These could be reported through e-journal if official journal could be started.

I would like to have criticism to my proposal to make advance for NS and Asian health care, Asian people.


The 11th PENSA Congress
October 1-4 2005, Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea. 
Page: 248