The Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition Society of Asia (PENSA) is a society for Asian physicians and personnel working in nutritional support, The society was founded on May 6, 1995 at a meeting in Chiang Rai, Thailand, by a group of physicians from Japan, China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Pakistan and Thailand. It was founded to provide a forum in which Physicians practicing nutritional support for hospitalized patients could address and exchange clinical experiences and scientific data in nutritional sciences that are unique to this region. Since that time the society has experienced great growth. The Congress of PENSA was a special academic meeting for people practicing nutritional support.
- To foster research and development in nutritional support in Asian Countries.
- To provide a forum to address and exchange clinical experiences and scientific data in nutritional support, oriented at improvement in overall patient care.
- To Propagate, by means of providing education, the awareness of physicians of the importance of nutritional support in hospitalized patients.
- To create good relationships among international nutritional societies.
- To perform activities concering the nutritional support for the hospitalized patients without political involvement.