
[ Vol. 8 No. 2 ] (May - August 2007 )
Correlation between nutritional parameters commonly used for nutritional screening

Yu Koyama1, Vladimir Valera2, Kouji Kanedo2,Chizuko Kanbayashi2, Mayuko Yoshizawa2, Kastuyoshi Hatakeyama2
1Niigata Univ. Graduate School of Medical & Dental Sciences, Japan
2Division of Digestive & General Surgery, Niigata Univ., Graduate School of Medical & Dental Sciences, Japan


Nutritional assessment for hospitalized patients is very important, and effective screening is required. The aim of this study was to examine the correlation between nutritional status and clinical parameters to search effective combination for screening.

Four hundred and four patients admitted to the surgical unit of Niigata University Hospital during 2004-05, were entered. Nutritional assessment with the following parameters was performed at admission: body weight, usual body weight (UBW), ideal body weight (IBW), body weight loss, diet history, complication, primary disease, serum albumin (Alb), total lymphocyte count (TLC) and anthropometry consisting of mid-arm circumference (AC) and triceps skin fold thickness (TSF). Arm muscle circumference (AMC) and arm muscle area (AMA), calculated with the values of AC and TSF, were also used. Totally judged nutritional status (NSt), nutritional status judged by the combination of 3 parameters (%IBW, %UBW and Alb) (NS3), AC, TSF, AMC, AMA, Alb and TLC was classified into 4 categories; i) well malnourished, ii) slightly malnourished, iii) moderately malnourished and iv) severely malnourished, respectively. Correlation between NSt and NS3, AC, TSF, AMC, AMA, Alb or TLC was examined by chi-square test, respectively. The statistical significance was defined as P<0.05

There was significant correlation between NSt and NS3, Alb, AC, TSF, AMC, AMA or TLC, respectively. (p<0.001). Each AC, TSF, AMC or AMA also significantly correlated with Alb (p<0.001), but not with TLC

These our results suggest the popular parameters such as Alb, AC, TSF, AMC, AMA and TLC are effective for evaluating nutritional status.

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The 11th PENSA Congress
October 1-4 2005
Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea.
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