
[ Vol. 8 No. 1 ] (January - April 2007 )
The c-reactive protein to prealbumin ratio as a possible index for mortality

Bo Dam Lee1, Sang Hee Chee Chae1, Seung Hui Lim1, Bo Sook Ahn1, Cheung Soo Shin1
1Yongdong Severance Hospital, Yonsei Univ., College of Medicine, Korea


Objectives: BACKGROUND: Acute-phase proteins are often used as metabolic indicators in patients receiving nutritional support. One of them, prealbumin often responds as patients nutritional status changes, thus reflecting the status of malnutrition or adequate protein intake. Contrarily, C-reactive protein despite its exact function unknown, rises in acute stress until the catabolic phase is over. It has been reported that high CRP/PLAB ratio has significant correlation with increased risk for multiple organ failure. This study evaluates correlation of the changes of the ratio of CRP and PLAB with mortality

Methods: The patients were monitored for the length of their stay in the ICU. Each patient had CRP and PALB during a period from admission till discharge. Demographic date, including age, sex, diagnosis, and nutritional status were recorded at the time of admission to the ICU. Mortality was also recorded. The patients all had blood drawn, analyzed on both CRP or PALB, and sorted out to be 22 patients of whom both analysis done on the same week or within a period of 7 days. And both analysis were ordered more than twice during their stay in ICU. Then a ratio of the 2 proteins, CRP and PALB, was calculated at each time point and the difference was subtracted.

Results: Subject with increased ratio had higher death rate. Out of 22 subjects, 12 patients with increased ratio had death rate of 75% compared to 40% in 10 patients whose CRP/PLAB ratio decreased.

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The 11th PENSA Congress
October 1-4 2005
Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea
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