Sun-Jung Kim1, Jae-Sun Lee1, Hye-Kyung Chung1,Song-Mi Lee1, Cheung-Soo Shin1
1Nutrition Support Team, Yongdong Severance Hospital,
College of Medicine, Yonsei Univ., Korea
Objectives: Optimizing nutrition delivery in the intensive care unit continues to be a challenge. We evaluated the amount of nutrition delivery and define the factors which influence the delivery of nutrition in a group of critically ill patients in a mixed medical-surgical intensive care unit
Methods: This prospective study, done between January and December 2004. One hundred and one critically ill adult patients who stayed longer than 5 days and received enteral and parenteral nutrition were studied. Nutrition (i.e. fasting, parenteral, enteral and mixed), energy and protein supply were monitored during the first 10 consecutive days.
Results: The most frequent diagnosis in the subjects was a disease of respiratory disease (25.7%), followed by cardiovascular disease (23.8%) and cancer (17.8%). The initial fasting period were 3.69 days after ICU admission. Forty nine (48.5%) patients were received nutrition support by parenteral nutrition at the beginning of ICU days. 38 (37.6%) patients were by enteral nutrition and 14 (13.9%) patients were by mixed nutrition. The mean calculated energy requirement was 1440 kcal. The subjects received 16.5%, 66.0%, 76.9% of their energy requirements on ICU day 1, day 5 and day 10, respectively. They received 20.3%, 71.3%, 87.5% of their protein requirements in ICU day 1, day 5 and day 10, respectively. The cases of delaying of enteral nutrition were 22 (21.8%) and the main cause was high gastric residual volume.
Conclusions: All subjects were received under nutrition during 10 days after ICU admission. Half of the subjects were delivered by parenteral nutrition at the beginning of ICU days.
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The 11th PENSA Congress
October 1-4 2005
Sheraton Grande Walkerhill Hotel, Seoul, Korea
Page: 282